keeping busy with a summer bucket list


I’ve been seeing summer bucket lists float around pinterest lately and was actively avoiding making one. M is now at the age where if you tell her you are going to do something, she tucks it away in her little memory bank and holds you to it. I mean, what if I don’t feel like feeding ducks on a particular Tuesday, right? Then I realized that’s crazy. June has just barely announced itself and we are already taking summer head on. We’ve been eating meals outside, spending most of our days with bubbles or surrounded by water and taking full advantage of the longer, brighter days. So, why not have a list to focus that attention on the days where I wake up reaching for activities to entertain my crazy girl?

I am already excited for M to check each activity off one by one and for a bucket list tradition to grow in our home. Bring it on SUMMER!


Enjoy! Melissa