Just Saying: My Own Style

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When I was younger I spent so much time trying to fit in. {And by younger, I mean within the last 10 years.} All through college I was so worried about my wardrobe. I bought sparkly tight fitting tops, tube tops and all sorts of other atrocious clothing items to be with the in crowd. And really, until recently {more recently then I would like to admit} I continued to do this. All it got me was a bunch of horrible looking photos, some pretty heinous hair cuts and a constant clothing budget on the rise.

But, the older I get, the more I find that I have made a niche of my own in the style department. I don’t mean that millions of people are clamoring to wear what I’m wearing but that I’m happy with what I’m wearing. It’s not fancy and it’s not super hip butI have my own style, it suits my body and I’m happy to feel comfortable in my own unique place in the world.

Oh’ and the point here is that my birthday is this month. I’m swiftly on my way to being older then I ever really thought about being but with age, I have found growth and have established myself as an individual.  So, bring it on birthday. I’ll be ready for you. {I think}

 “Why change? Everyone has his own style. When you have found it, you should stick to it.” 

― Audrey Hepburn

Enjoy! Melissa


6 thoughts on “Just Saying: My Own Style

  1. i’ve always loved your style – now probably more than ever. it’s comfortable and fun and you always look gorgeous (no shocker there). xoxo

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